Teak CS

Botanical name

Tectona grandis L.f.


Myanmar, Indonesia, India, Thailand, tropical Africa and tropical America

Veneer thickness(es)

0.6 mm

Joint method



On demand


Quarter cut


Price range 4


The height and diameters of teak trees depend greatly on the growing site and soil conditions. For example, in Myanmar, under favorable conditions, teak trees grow to a height of 40-45 m, with diameters of up to 1.80-2.40 m.

Tectona grandis is the only supplier of true teak. The heartwood is light brown to golden brown approaching to light exposure. Sometimes dark brown to black veined. After being exposed to light, the major color differences usually disappear. Teak sapwood is dirty gray, about 30 mm wide.


Because of its great durability, low shrinkage and action, beautiful appearance, favorable strength properties at low weight and resistance to many chemicals, teak can be used for almost all purposes. 
